Attention lovers of fall-time corn mazes: your “corny” adventure awaits.

Those looking to pick out the perfect pumpkin from among acres and acres of orange gourds, or wander into a field of cornstalks that tower over your head can do so this year at three area farms in El Paso and Southern New Mexico.

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La Union Maze

La Union Maze Facebook
La Union Maze Facebook

La Union Maze in La Union, New Mexico opens Saturday and Sunday, September 24-25. After that, you can get pick pumpkins and get lost Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays through November 6.

A flower maze, jumping pillows, and cow train rides are among the 16-plus activities the kids can also do. A new addition to the playground this year is a super mega slide. Tickets can be purchased in person at the gate or online.

The A-Maze-ing Design

La Union Maze
La Union Maze

This year the new corn maze design will have a UFO theme.

Along with an adorable looking extraterrestrial, the out of this world 12-acre corn field maze also features crop circles, and a flying saucer beaming up one of the farm’s cows.

Mesilla Valley Maze

Mesilla Valley Maze Facebook
Mesilla Valley Maze Facebook

A Southern New Mexico tradition since 1999, Mesilla Valley Maze in Las Cruces is open Saturdays and Sundays September 24 through October 30 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. each day.

Besides the corn maze and pumpkin patch, activities include hayrides, a cow train, pedal cars, slides, and a tire pyramid. The 30-acres of fall family fun also includes a flower field for those looking to take home cut fresh flowers.

Special events this season include a Fall Festival (Oct. 1-2), Flower Festival (Oct. 8-9), and Pumpkin Festival (Oct. 29-30) at no additional charge. Tickets available at the gate and online.

Bee-utiful Maze Design

Mesilla Valley Maze Facebook
Mesilla Valley Maze Facebook

Mesilla Valley Maze will be buzzing with activity this fall and the corn maze will bee, too. This year its been cut into the shape of a beehive.

Corn Maze at El Paso's Farmland

El Paso's Corn Maze
El Paso's Corn Maze

The 10-acre corn maze at El Paso's Corn Maze in Far West El Paso featuring challenging but fun twisting, turning pathways and lots of blind alleys will open Saturdays and Sundays October 8 through October 30 from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Activities include a Kiddie Maze for the little ones, a train ride to the Pumpkin Patch, pedal cars, double-wide cow train, pedal cars, slippery slides, and a tire pyramid. Tickets will only be sold at the gate.

The A-Maze-ing Design

El Paso's Corn Maze Facebook
El Paso's Corn Maze Facebook

They're keeping last year's design and theme for 2022: the desert Southwest. In fact, they’re calling it “Desert Southwest,” that's how much it resembles the desert Southwest.

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