Beat The Heat At These FREE Cooling Centers Across El PasoBeat The Heat At These FREE Cooling Centers Across El PasoCooling centers are free for locals but operate during certain hours.Iris LopezIris Lopez
The Hottest Pickup Lines To Help You Beat The Triple Digit Heat The Hottest Pickup Lines To Help You Beat The Triple Digit Heat To help you keep your mind off of this heat wave we’ll be experiencing this week, here are a few pickup lines that I hope will help you find a date to the pool this weekend.Iris LopezIris Lopez
This Week’s Heat Wave Will Have You Wishing You Were a PopsicleThis Week’s Heat Wave Will Have You Wishing You Were a PopsicleTriple-digit temperatures will take over the forecast this week as the official start of Summer happens on Wednesday, June 21st.Iris LopezIris Lopez
Triple Digit Heat Putting a Strain on El Paso’s Power GridTriple Digit Heat Putting a Strain on El Paso’s Power GridWe've already had multiple triple digit days in El Paso and it's causing problems with the El Paso power grid.Brandon CoatesBrandon Coates