These Places Have Parties Ready for St. Patrick's Day in El PasoThese Places Have Parties Ready for St. Patrick's Day in El PasoGet your four leaf clovers & green ready El Paso.Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus
Catholics Can Eat Meat This St. Patrick’s Day And Here’s WhyCatholics Can Eat Meat This St. Patrick’s Day And Here’s WhyAccording to a statement shared by Bishop Seitz, Canon 87 §1 of the Code of Canon Law allows bishops to dispense the faithful from universal church laws “whenever he judges that it contributes to their spiritual good.” Iris LopezIris Lopez
Places to Celebrate St Patrick’s Day In El PasoPlaces to Celebrate St Patrick’s Day In El PasoPlaces you can celebrate St Patrick's Day, while following CDC Guidelines.Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus