19 Cities In Texas Make List For Safest And Cheapest In Nation19 Cities In Texas Make List For Safest And Cheapest In NationWhen it comes to living in the Lone Star State, some towns are the best to settle down in.Tommy ParadiseTommy Paradise
This Is the Texas City with the Lowest Crime Rate This Is the Texas City with the Lowest Crime Rate Melissa, Texas is located 45 minutes outside of central Dallas, just north of McKinney, and has a population of just over 20,000. This means that it could be a good choice for those looking to work in Dallas and are willing to commute.CeCeCeCe
Moving To Texas? Here Are Some Towns To AvoidMoving To Texas? Here Are Some Towns To AvoidCrime rates can vary within a town in Texas. Research before you make a choice. Dan PatrickDan Patrick
Woman Dies After Being Swept Away on Franklin MountainsWoman Dies After Being Swept Away on Franklin MountainsIt doesn't take a lot of water to sweep you or even your car away in a flood. Brandon CoatesBrandon Coates
A New Study Says Texas Is The Worst State For Children’s HealthA New Study Says Texas Is The Worst State For Children’s HealthThat's a bit disconcerting Quinn AlexanderQuinn Alexander