El Paso Bishop Mark Seitz ‘Mask Up If You’re Going To Mass’El Paso Bishop Mark Seitz ‘Mask Up If You’re Going To Mass’There aren't going to be any other changes right now, but that doesn't mean there won't be changes further down the road.TriciaTricia
YISD Will Require Students And Employees To Wear Masks Beginning FridayYISD Will Require Students And Employees To Wear Masks Beginning FridayGood job YISD. You've done the right thing.TriciaTricia
Private Schools In El Paso Impose Mask MandatePrivate Schools In El Paso Impose Mask MandateIt sounds like a good idea and it's too bad that Abbott has made it almost impossible for public schools to do the same.TriciaTricia
Vaccinated Or Not Here’s Where You’ll Have To Mask Up On Fort BlissVaccinated Or Not Here’s Where You’ll Have To Mask Up On Fort BlissIf we have to mandate masks like Fort Bliss did then so be it. Good move, Fort Bliss. You keep us safe on the battlefield and by mandating masks.TriciaTricia
Texas State Teachers Association Wants Governor to Remove Mask BanTexas State Teachers Association Wants Governor to Remove Mask BanThe Texas State Teachers Association is calling on Governor Greg Abbott to allow schools to impose mask orders when students return to class in the fall. The aChris AustinChris Austin
No More Masks In Schools In June – What Do El Paso School District Employees Say About That?No More Masks In Schools In June – What Do El Paso School District Employees Say About That?Next month schools can no longer require people to wear masks inside their buildings, but what do people who work inside schools think about that?TriciaTricia