Best Cities to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse in Texas
When the zombie apocalypse hits, the state of Texas is where you want to be.
A national lawn care service looked at data relating to the 200 largest cities in America to determine 2023’s Best Cities for Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse and determined El Paso is one of six cities in the Lone Star State where you have a good chance of “making it out alive in the (unlikely) event of a zombie outbreak”

Lone Star Survival
The tongue-in-cheek study took into consideration factors such the number of hardware stores (zombie-killing tools, etc), homes with basements (they make good bunkers), mobility, and the share of the population in good physical health to reach its conclusions.
San Antonio (No. 3) and Austin (No. 6) boast superb access to hardware stores and shooting ranges. Dallas (No. 17), Fort Worth (No. 28), and El Paso (No. 32) land closely behind with high ranks in Supplies and Protection.
El Paso
El Paso fared worst in the “Mobility” category (No. 119). I’m sure the seemingly endless road construction making it hard for us to make a quick getaway had a lot to do with that.
Our highest ranking was in “Supplies” (No. 15). The number of supermarkets, grocery stores, pharmacies, and convenience stores available for looting and pillaging boosted our overall score.
Head East
In case you’re wondering where you should head to if you wanted to live in a world without all of the luxuries we’ve become accustomed to, Houston, Texas is where you’d best survive the brain-eaters. H-Town was named the No. 1 Best City for Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse.
Best Place to Survive in El Paso
Not that I've put too much thought into it, but if World War Z ever did go down, I would take refuge inside City Hall. I don’t think the walking dead would bother with the place.
Even zombies know there aren’t a whole lot of brains there.