5 Funny And Unique Texas Themed Fantasy Football Team Names
It's that time of year where grown adults fight, laugh, smack talk, and yes, even cry. The NFL season has gotten under way with preseason games, every fan of every team feels their team has a chance to win it all right now and they have a championship in sight.
Hours of watching the games, going back and watching replays of players, looking into their projections for the year and if they can actually achieve them.
Oh, did you think I was talking about the actual NFL season? I'm sorry, I'm talking about fantasy football! Outside of drafting your team, the most important piece of it is a team name. You want it to be funny, creative, and off the wall. Some like to incorporate their favorite team or player in the name.
So since we're in Texas, and I know a lot of you are fans of the teams here in the state, I've come up with five different team names that could be fun for your fantasy football season. They're all Texas based in one way or another, so let's get it rolling.
This is obviously a nod to University of Texas legend Ricky Williams. It's been well documented his love for marijuana and he's been a long time advocate for it to be legalized. It also caused him a lot of problems in his NFL career. They say it kills your brain cells, so maybe this is an appropriate name if you have a terrible draft. At least you can blame it on something right?
Combining Dallas Cowboys QB Dak Prescott and the Backstreet Boys seems like low hanging fruit, but tell me that isn't a hilarious team name. Dak plays for the glitziest NFL team around, and any pop group is all about flash and flare right? These two things go together like cheese on a hamburger.
So this one is a nod to the old school in more ways than one. If you're old enough, you remember those old Foster's beer commercials. The tag line was everything, "Foster's, Australian For Beer" in an Australian accent of course. Well did you realize by changing one letter in Australian you can pay homage to Houston Texans legend RB Arian Foster? It's a perfect match.
I actually lifted this one from a league I was in recently. They left their team name untitled until after the draft, and they took former Texas Tech Red Raider Patrick Mahomes as their QB. If you aren't sure of the origin of the name itself, go back and watch the movie 'Clueless' and go to the part where they attend the high school party in the valley. Remember the song now? Of course you do.
Ok, so Dak is on the list twice. That's ok right? His name lends itself to SO MANY different team names, but I couldn't pass this one up. This is an obvious play on the movie 'Back To The Future', and the Cowboys are still banking on Dak to be their future for a long time. So why not blend the two together?