Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Court documents show former NBA star Dennis Rodman, 50, owes hundreds of thousands of dollars in back child support and alimony — but is unable to pay it because he’s now broke.

Rodman is more than $800,000 in arrears for the two children he had with his third wife, Michelle Rodman, to whom he also reportedly owes $50,000 in alimony. An official with California’s Orange County says that if Rodman — known as the Worm in his playing days — cannot come up with the $860,000 in child and spousal support he owes by May 29, he could be sent to jail for three weeks.

His attorney, Linnea Willis, who said she’s working for free, claims the five-time NBA champ is “extremely sick” and can barely afford his own living expenses. Peggy Williams, his financial advisor, said Rodman has a severe drinking problem that “impacts his ability to get work.”

While his flamboyant off-court behavior — which included a rainbow of hair colors and a short-lived former marriage to Carmen Electra — sometimes grabbed most of the headlines, Rodman’s playing prowess was the stuff of legend.

He won two NBA rings while with the Detroit Pistons and another three during his stint with the Chicago Bulls, led the league in rebounds for seven consecutive seasons, and was inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame last summer.

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