Some photos from the 600 ESPN El Paso Super Bowl Party at King's X, that kicked off with Super CrunchTime LIVE with Mando "The Monster" Medina and Steve Kaplowitz!
Christina Aguilera has the right kind of voice to belt out a memorable national anthem. Unfortunately, her performance at Super Bowl XLV will be remembered for the wrong reason.
As you’ve probably heard, Aguilera flubbed the anthem, forgetting the lyric "o’er the ramparts we watched."
Aguilera is far from the first person to botch the Star Spangled Banner. Check out last night's flub and
The Super Bowl is the best (or worst) day of the year for gamblers. That’s because Vegas, in an attempt to squeeze every last dollar out of the big game, will let you bet on just about anything tangentially related to Super Bowl. We scoured the Internet to find ten prop bets that have little or nothing with the actual play on the field, but can keep you entertained all day Sunday and beyond.
For its first couple decades of existence, the Super Bowl halftime show featured marching bands or “Up With People”-type musical medleys. Unfortunately, but the only folks who really got excited about those performances were the families of the performers.
Over the last 20 years, the Super Bowl halftime stage has become home to top hits and the increased star powers of popular musical acts.
Big Ben says he's a changed man since his four-game suspension after an alleged sexual assault of a 20-year-old Georgia coed for which he was never charged. And, sure he's changed since that night...his CLOTHES! Though karaokeing in a bar is no big deal, the alcohol is troubling (although it's nice to see Big Ben trying to keep that girlish figure by drinking his rum with Diet Coke), and the fact
A Green Bay Packers fan posted a video on YouTube of his four-year-old daughter crying after the Packers beat the Chicago Bears in the NFC Championship.