Jay J. Armes Estate Sale Scheduled For OctoberJay J. Armes Estate Sale Scheduled For October500 suits, taxidermied animals, and classic cars, oh my. They can be yours at this one-of-a-kind estate sale.TriciaTricia
UTEP's Latest Miner LegendUTEP's Latest Miner LegendNever shy, UTEP fans were treated to a true Miner legend as the university honored one of its 1966 greats, Neville "The Shadow" Shed.Duke KeithDuke Keith
Legendary Boxer Joe Frazier Dies at 67Legendary Boxer Joe Frazier Dies at 67Former heavyweight boxer Joe Frazier, most famous for delivering Muhammad Ali his first career defeat, died on Monday, as a result of liver cancer. He was 67.Danny GronerDanny Groner