Elvis' First Filmed Performance Might've Been Recorded in TexasElvis' First Filmed Performance Might've Been Recorded in TexasThe very first time Elvis was seen performing for a crowd was in front of Texas & we have the footage here.Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus
5 Memorable Events To Happen At The Old Houston Astrodome5 Memorable Events To Happen At The Old Houston AstrodomeThe Houston Astrodome has given Texas many amazing historical moments between 1965-2009.Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus
The King Recorded An Album Here In El Paso Over 4 Decades AgoThe King Recorded An Album Here In El Paso Over 4 Decades AgoIt's been years since the passing of Elvis but we won't forget when he came to El Paso. And we certainly won't forget when he recorded a concert here too.Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus