School just started for most Texas young 'uns and, right out of the gate, some already missed a day or two. Know how many days they can miss before the cops show up?

It's "back to school" season in Texas and not only has the countdown to the next extended break started, so have the daily head counts. Attendance is a matter that Texas takes pretty seriously for any kid between 6 and 19.

Kids in Texas can only miss so many days before they're considered "chronically" absent. At that point, the law steps in to put pressure on the parents about it.

First of all, obviously, excessive absences can affect how a kid does in school and can, with the young ones, set patterns that lead to problems like dropping out later on. It can also cause them to have to repeat grades or classes ...

... your child can only miss 18 days of school or 18 days of a specific class (or 9 days if they’re on a semester schedule) before the 90% rule affects their class credit.

For elementary school students, this means they could repeat a grade if they are in school less than 90% of school days. A middle- or high-school student might have to repeat a certain class if they didn’t attend at least 90% of the days of that class.  - Source

That's how it could go south for them. Parents also have obligations and those who aren't on the ball can be fined up to $2,000 bucks and/or sent to jail for 1 year.

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