A while ago I wrote about the El Paso, Texas musician, Julio Ortega, who recently did 2 collaboration videos that have exploded on Instagram. One of them included Julio drumming alongside a piano playing cat.

If you're not familiar with the video, here it is:

Ever since it came out, it has been getting an INSANE amount of views: over 400k likes & nearly 7k comments (well at the time I'm writing this!)

So it's easily classified as a success. But... that's not where the story ends. Because the video has gotten the attention of certain celebrities.

So far the popstar Kylie Minogue left this comment:

Julio Ortega via Instagram
Julio Ortega via Instagram

Of course you know Kylie for THIS catchy earworm:

(be warned... once you hear it, it'll get stuck in your head. Fitting isn't it?)

The guitarist from the band, Mana, Serigo Vallin expressed his loved for the video.

Julio Ortega via Instagram
Julio Ortega via Instagram

Even our very own Cedric Zavala from The Mars Volta shared the video on his Instagram account.

Julio Ortega via Instagram
Julio Ortega via Instagram

When I asked Julio how he felt, he exclaimed: "I was super excited! I told my parents both times. It was a happy family moment (laughs)".

This wouldn't be the first time an El Paso musician has their work explode on social media; local bands such as The 1-800 & Cigarettes After Sex each have been getting their stuff noticed on TikTok. Cigarettes in particular also has a huge fan online; one particular star of Breaking Bad.

Congrats Julio! Here's to more great videos in the future.

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