CAUTION: Think Twice Before Trying to Save That ‘Injured’ Baby Bird
It's a moment that makes your heart skip a beat. You're doing some yard maintenance and you see something move out of the corner of your eye: it's an injured baby bird that has fallen out of its nest. Now what do you do?
Welcome to Fledgling Season
The Center for Wildlife in Cape Neddick, Maine says for the most part you should do nothing because there's a really good chance that baby bird is fine and doing exactly what it is supposed to be doing.
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The wildlife conservation and education organization recently posted a video (from literally their own backyard) as a "teaching opportunity" which shows what looks like a flustered and injured helpless baby bird along with a reminder that this scene is usually pretty normal and perfectly fine. That's because this time of year is when many baby birds are in what is called the fledgling stage.
I would 100% think this was a wildlife emergency and start calling animal emergency services!
To some, it may look like this little bird is injured or orphaned but they are actually just in the midst of a very important stage of life… the fledgling stage!
They note that after leaving the nest, fledgling birds may spend several days on the ground (cue immediate panic) developing their flight skills and little birdy muscles. While you likely won't see them, their parents will remain nearby, checking on and feeding them.
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In fact, the Center for Wildlife noted that this wee little birdy's parents were indeed watching from not too far away.
While it's tempting to intervene, it's important to let fledglings progress naturally through this stage without getting involved, only stepping in if absolutely necessary. I guess that could mean making sure your curious pets don't get involved either.
How Do You Know if a Baby Bird Is in Fledgling Stage?
If you know there are nests near your house with baby birds, take note of when you first hear or see them. This can help ease your worries. According to Mass Audubon, a fledgling bird is 13-14 days old or older and usually fully feathered, though it might still look a bit—without being mean—rough around the edges. With its tail and feathers still a little short, it likely won't be able to fly yet (which might trigger your panic), but it can get around by jumping, walking, and "fluttering."
After all, you wouldn't be a baby bird without doin' some flutterin'. Watch the fledgling video star below do exactly that in the Center for Wildlife's video.
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