Alex Riviello

Watch the New Trailer for ‘Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor’
Capcom has just released this new trailer for Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor, which may be the most exciting Kinect game ever released.

Resident Evil 6 Gets $1,300 Premium Edition
Capcom has just announced the Resident Evil 6 Premium Edition, which has to be the most expensive video game special edition of all time. It costs 105,000 yen, which sounds like a lot of money and it certainly is- $1291.50 by this morning’s exchange rate.

Leisure Suit Larry is Back! (Almost)
Just a week later and Leisure Suit Larry is almost fully erect.

‘Anomaly: Warzone Earth’ Game Review
By now most everyone is sick of Tower Defense games. They seem the go-to genre for smaller developers and we’ve been inundated with subpar entries, perhaps because it’s easy to think of a new gimmick or theme for them and slap right on. In my mind nothing much has bested Desktop Tower Defense, the original browser game which almost single-handedly kicked off the popularity of the style, although t

‘Men In Black Alien Crisis’ Videogame Announced
Activison has just announced that they’ll be releasing Men in Black: Alien Crisis on May 25th, just in time for Men In Black 3.

‘Ridge Racer Unbounded’ Game Review
Get past the silly name and you’ll find out that Ridge Racer Unbounded is one of the best of the series. While it doesn’t feature open world gameplay like the title infers, if you prefer arcade-style racers (as I do) you’ll definitely enjoy this game, which features an amount of destruction far beyond previous installments.

‘Rock Band Blitz’ Is Now a Reality
It’s been a while since we’ve had a new Rock Band game. After Rock Band 3, people wondered where Harmonix could take their wildly popular music series and it turns out there was only one way to go – backwards.

Swords and Sworcery EP Comes to PC and Mac
Capybara Games
One of the best iOS games of all time is finally coming to your computer.

Pitch a Perfect Game in MLB2K12, Win a Million Dollars
2K Sports has just announced that their $1 Million Perfect Game Challenge will kick off at 9:00AM PST this morning and continue through April 20th at 11:59PM PST. Eight players who pitch perfect games will win an all-expense-paid trip to NYC in May for a live single elimination tournament at the MLB FanCave to determine the final winner.

‘Yesterday’ Game Review
When I was in high school I had a friend who brought over some pictures he took while exploring a supposedly abandoned lair of a satanic cult.