
Lingerie Football League May Play on Sundays if There is NFL Lockout
Lingerie Football League May Play on Sundays if There is NFL Lockout
Lingerie Football League May Play on Sundays if There is NFL Lockout
The threat of a lockout is already putting the 2011 NFL football season in jeopardy. However, if the armored gladiators can't play this fall, a gang of women in lingerie may step in to fill your Sunday afternoon football jones. That's right, the Lingerie Football League is considering moving their regular season games from Friday to Sunday if the NFL labor situation doesn't get worked out. Lingeri
NBA All Star Weekend
NBA All Star Weekend
NBA All Star Weekend
This weekend, much of the attention of the sports world will be in Los Angeles, California for NBA All Star Weekend.  NBA Commissioner David Stern has already expressed his concern over the trade rumors surrounding Carmelo Anthony.