Today, Tuesday the 10th starts another home season of El Paso Chihuahuas Baseball! Yes, we appreciate you listening to the games, but you really NEED to experience the Chihuahuas games whenever you can. Here’s some motivation to go, or go more often.

  1. It’s Baseball, and the highest level of Minor League play; just shy of Major League Baseball. Like religion, it inspires devotion and offers solace. It fuels passion, motivates loyalty, and rises debate. It brings people together, strengthens family bonds, and unifies entire communities. It offers relief from the headaches and hassles of everyday life if just for a few hours while you share in communion with fellow parishioners in the Church of Baseball.
  2. Southwest University Park is a beautiful showplace that tells out of town visitors El Paso can create a communal gathering place with the best of big cities. It provides us locals with something to speak of with community pride, and arouses a sense we’re headed toward a more progressive future.
  3. There’s some of the most unique food options found in any one setting in El Paso. Try something…anything. There’s a good chance you’ll be talking about whatever you stick in your mouth, even if it ends up being, “roasted grasshoppers are not for me.”
  4. Support the dining and drinking establishments around the downtown ballpark. From DeadBeach Brewery, to Delight, to Anson 11, to Savage Goods just up Oregon, or even some of the family Mexican eateries a little further south, you have options.
  5. Walk around the rest of the downtown area when daylight or who’s-in-tow permits. El Paso is evolving and the downtown area has both modern additions and historic buildings and places. Look up, some amazing architecture exists and not just the much praised Trost contributions. Stop and read a commemorative plaque. Warning! You might learn something. You also might end up with a better understanding of where El Paso has been, and where El Paso is going!

Speaking of the future, with a little good fortune and a healthy lineup El Paso – as in our Chihuahuas – might be going back to the PCL Championship game!


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